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Effectiveness: Getting the Right Things Done

Roadmap Step Seven

Reclaiming Your Personal Life

Transformational Marketing Strategies

Peter Drucker, the greatest management thinker ever, saw marketing as a core responsibility of business owners and executives.

Drucker taught these timeless principles:

1. The purpose of a business is to create a customer.

2. The business enterprise has two – only two – basic functions: Marketing and Innovation.

3. Unless you do those functions well, you risk not having a sustainable business.

Transformational Marketing Strategies must include . . .

an automated system that accomplishes the following:

1. Collect Leads: Target, Attract, and Capture
2. Convert Leads: Engage, Offer, Close

3. Create Fans: Deliver, Impress, Multiply

Click on the following link to view a 2 1/2 minute video about the importance of Lifecycle Marketing.

Click Here to Access the Video and Free Self-Assessment

Then, request the Free Lifecycle marketing Self-Assessment to discover opportunities to accelerate the growth of your business

This 15 item assessment and debrief call can help you discover how to become an even more efficient marketer so you can be assured of a consistent flow of qualified leads on demand.

Price: No charge for the Self-assessment and debrief.

Click Here to Access the Video and Free Self-Assessment Click Here to Schedule a Strategy Call With Me From My Online Calendar
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